Events with Teresa Tedder


Upcoming Events

The Beautiful Music of Christmas
Mid-Kentucky Arts,
Dec 7,8,10,13,& 15, 2024

2000 Christmas concert

PREMIERE of Three Trees
for SATB, piano and strings
December 7, 2024 by Mid Kentucky Chorus

Three Trees

The Music of George and Ira Gershwin
Mid Kentucky Chorus Spring Concert
April 2025

Men in Choir 3

PREMIER of Multi-Movement Piece with Orchestra for Louisville Master Chorale 2025 Season

Lou Mstr Chorale

PREMIER of Score for Internationally
Acclaimed American Spiritual Ensemble 2025 Season

Amer Spir Ensbl

Highlights of Past Events

April 2024 Mid-Kentucky Chorus Performance “America’s Music”
April 2024 World PREMIERE of Gratitude 
June  2022 National Pastoral Musicians Conference Closing Concert,  Louisville, KY
Guest conductor for two multimovement original compositions
With Malice Toward None—Abraham Lincoln, An American Icon—SATB, Soli, Piano and Orchestra
Have A Dream—SABT, Soli, Children’s Choir, Actors, Piano and Orchestral Ensemble
May 2022 Dominican Sisters of Peace Bicentennial Celebration
St. Catharine, KY and streamed world-wide
Commissioned to compose and conduct Bicentennial theme song
Garden of Peace—treble voices, two flutes and piano         
June 2020 National Pastoral Musicians Conference  (Virtual)
Commissioned to write and record music for opening ceremonies
Wellspring of Living Water—TTB, orchestral ensemble
March 2019 NPR (Louisville Chapter) Composer’s Symposium, Louisville, KY
Featured composer and guest conductor
October 2016 Celebrating the 800th Jubilee of the Founding of the Dominican Order
Premiere of Contemplare—multi-movement work for TTB, strings and piano duet.
October 2015 Trinity United Methodist Church, New Albany, IN
Guest conductor for premiere of Music, the Soul’s Own Speech
October 2014 Trinity United Methodist Church, New Albany, IN
Guest conductor of;  In Memoriam
May 2012 Dominican Sisters of Peace, Columbus,
Performance of Mary, the Eternal Maternal
May 2009 Cathedral of the Assumption, Louisville, Kentucky
Mary, the Eternal Maternal—Multi-movement work for Soprano and Mezzo Soprano, Piano, harp, cello, and flute
May 2008 Bicentennial Celebration of the Archdiocese of Louisville
Basilica of St. Joseph Proto-Cathedral, Bardstown, KY
Cathedral of the Assumption, Louisville, Kentucky
Guest conductor with combined choirs
September 2007 CASA Fundraising Gala, Owensboro, KY
Premiered The Big Sandy Suite
October 2007 Kentucky Music Teacher’s Composer’s Concert
Premiered Abraham Lincoln-An American Icon